LL 126/21
Local Law 126
New York State's guidelines for "Condition Assessments of Parking Structures," pertain to parking garages governed by NYS's Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. According to the stipulations detailed under title 19 - part 1203, a recent enactment necessitates that owners of parking structures within the state undergo inspections every three years. These inspections must be conducted by a licensed and registered professional engineer in NYS to identify any signs of deterioration or potential safety hazards within the structure.
Following the examination, the overseeing engineer is required to compile a comprehensive Condition Assessment Report. This report encompasses an assessment and description of any identified unsafe conditions, conditions requiring immediate repair or maintenance, and other circumstances that could pose safety risks. Additionally, the report outlines suggested corrective measures, the timeline for implementing remedial actions, and the potential risks associated with neglecting unsafe conditions. It further provides recommendations for preventive maintenance and specifies the schedule for the next condition assessment.
In contrast to other areas in the state, structures located within New York City fall outside the purview of the state's inspection timelines. Effective January 1, 2022, parking facilities within the city are now obligated to follow the inspection guidelines specified in Local Law 126 of 2021. This legislation introduced Article 323 into Title 28 of the Administrative Code, concentrating on the routine inspections of parking structures.
As of November 23, 2023 all parking garage inspections required for garages in the five boroughs of NYC are due by August 1st, 2024.
Click below to learn more about complying with NYC's Local Law 126:
Acknowledging the growing prevalence of aging parking garages across various states, both state and city authorities have instituted their own periodic structural assessment mandates to detect signs of deterioration or potential safety hazards. In an effort to prioritize building safety and conform to the regulations established by each respective state and city, parking structure owners are obligated to follow distinct codes and standards for routine inspections. These guidelines are formulated to guarantee the structural soundness and overall safety of parking facilities, with variations tailored to the specific requirements of each jurisdiction.
Contact us to learn more about your state/city's codes at: info@bbb-engineering.com